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Is, his story about that going through France. And. But why don't you back up here a little bit and, and tell us about what? You I was born in 1934, April the 10th. Then was born in the late to in my grandmother's house. But we were living in Idaho, but next Shelters. For my mother. Oh, wow. And, then in 1933, we moved to Saint Mary's. Oh. The, we was over the hill from Lower, practically on the Washington line. Anyway, Yeah. Why don't you sit out? Why don't we move that a little bit further close to the thing here? Let's kind of put. We'll put you Here we go. You know, we're real good. All good. I know that down there. Somebody stole it. Oh, she's down. Where were you? Stay where you're staying? Yeah. Somebody stole what. Was an album? A photo album with old family pictures. Everything. Whoa. That is, That's terrible. Well, that's a drag. Well, so let's kind of go back here. You were, you moved to Saint Mary's in 1933, you Not really. Well. And built to firewood or cordwood. Yeah. Yeah. But how old were you when you went in the service? No, I think I was 18. I was just just made the the draft, you know, and, I went down the road called or double. When I got to Port And then the parachute recruiter came, came by an interview with us. And it only took about one ever, 3 or 4 guys because they rode through a real rigid, Or just over training camp, or they learned to come into the there to, The Lord's ahead to be able to take what I was giving out. Yeah, yeah. And so I made the grade because it was only getting about 1 or 2 other or guys, you know, there were ten. Now that was about was that 44, 43? That was 41 that leave. In the. Yeah, I got it. But one year in. 43 because I got out 40. Five. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I was going to say that that works out mathematically. So and so then you, you, you went into the service Yeah. And, and that's where you had boot camp? Good. Boot camp. When you first went in. I still don't. Know you very well when you, when the, when you, when you first go in the service, they teach you how to salute and, and, train Hello. I went from there for a enlisted in the Air Troops. I wanted to go to Georgia for training. Yeah, yeah, that's what I. Recall that goal. Which was in North Carolina. Gotcha. And then and then so then you shipped out to the you were in the five 17th, right. And then they shipped you out to, We were a complete combat team in the respect we had. Our artillery, regiment of artillery, and then three regiments of infantry. Yeah. Where are you? Now, you. We had a combat night draft in southern France. Correct. And that was that. After that was Right. And, so where did you take off when they dropped you? Were you in England when they dropped you off or. No, I was in Just north five miles north of the draft to stop at 230 in the morning, just north of the, nice range. But all the way Yeah. And, guess what? We, And then I was the one flight. Well, the Navy that happened to escalate after the Germans had strafed their Messerschmitt fighter I've heard of that. The things of the war. Yep, yep. Friendly fire got shot down by friendly fire. They thought they were Germans. Yeah, well, that's that's part of it. Like No. We took off from. Oh, boy. Some little. Old. Several airports. And I can't remember. North of Rome. Oh. In Italy. In Italy. Oh, you took out for. Okay, so you actually took off from. From how long were you in Italy? Do you remember? Oh, no, not too long. We're just staging a film. Just a month or two. In the middle of summer and we landed in August the 13th in southern France. We flew at night. Yeah. Couple months after D-Day. Yeah. Well we got there training. Right. Right. You're training in Italy. It was. Do you remember anything about Italy that was interesting. I was never in England. No Italy. Italy by Rome. Well they there's a, extinct volcano. And that's what we kept. Oh. And Vesuvius. Oh, no, no, that would be fun. Not to visit. It was active. All on active. Oh, I see, north of Rome. North of Rome. We'll have to check that out a. Little, furloughs. And. But you were just training. You didn't have a chance to really get out and do anything, No. We were, but we got furloughs. Yeah. So it wasn't there or furloughs, and then we there had to take them or lose them. And But you, but do you but this is after you, you guys had jumped. Yeah. Yeah. So, so in August you guys went down and jumped Yeah. Well see we jumped in about five miles and The, what. Would you call the forces within? And we kept the Germans from coming down and, stopping the. And going into southern France. Yeah. All the ships came in and unloaded and. So like you, you were saying that you know you, it was a night drop and you dropped in a vineyard didn't you. Yeah. And so that's where we dropped into. And so some of the guys got hurt I guess. Oh yeah. Because of the the grape vines and yeah. And the, the wires that hold up the grapes. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I've seen all those shoots. I was just watching some, some footage of World War two, and, Man, those Oh, yeah, we did. Was a few to where the Lord is good as the ones that got down. Oh, and then too, we still had our back, so. Yeah. And, I don't know, ten that I remember telling them I said, sir, I said, why don't we get to the so that we can trip? Well, the army Yeah. If it was getting broken ankles and broken legs and everything else. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then you've got one of the things that you. Know, they do that they've got a troop of those guns for everybody and then drops a few. Are you in fact. And one of the things that you're doing of course this whole, this whole display is practically all yours. But we'll talk about Herman's, You actually had that on your the American flag that you actually had it on your drop uniform. And, correct me if I'm wrong, and With the 60 pound pack. Yeah. So since. Pockets in the legs, the whole thing. Yeah. Well, you could see it on that poster right there. He's got the pockets and all that stuff. So, so you can imagine that. And And, why don't you tell us about, how you ended up with those saddles? Those what? Burton? Those? Yeah. Yeah. Well, Whoever, goes into the room to get them for us, the Germans had, Well, I'll start off the start of, it was, la la. And then below But during the bulge, we got loaded up at, 2 or 3:00 in the morning and sometimes our clothes because we was, or it was 20 Pushing the Germans. I found the German. The German with the size nine winter boot that automatically made the switch and Jump boots on. Yeah, yeah yeah, I've heard that. And it was two feet of snow that. And here you got the summer tans on. Yeah. And that was a. The day before or the day after Christmas that we would they load this up? Well, these saddles here now, did you have, we have some guys. I know some Germans were on, reconnaissance and they're They was all pushed in this calvary. During the battle of the bulge. And we were right there, and I was behind the tree. And the Yeah. And, that's all I got to. Oh, and I rode the horse for a while, but the lieutenant decided it was. I was riding and he was walking So which one is the German? They're both saying. Oh, there's the both the same. I thought they look the same. So what happened to the officer? Was he a P.O.W. or. Oh, I took him. We took him for her prisoner. Another two Zeppelin. We were up on this hill in Italy going north, and, up there August. I think we'd only jumped about three days before, and it was up on top of this hill. There was a spell. Italy. And, that's And that was the Brodsky. Dabrowski. Bukowski. And when I first got most of the time for the opening, anyway, we went down to this farm. We could see water running Right. They were kind of halfway dug in and they started standing up was, you know, their heads up, give it up to us. There was No. Look let me back up and, but, but you they did you think you were going to get like a silver star for, you know, getting all And, you know, you know, they haven't been served without our legal service stolen by them because of that give up. Who else? One cigaret after the other. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And of course, they loved our American cigaret. And then didn't they tell you about, payday and. Oh, yeah, during the launch, you know, we heard about their payday. It was going to get paid. So we found out Virgil's speaking But, open up the safe, or we pushed it to a window. And guess what happened? The first one went out over, and we were started It opened, got about $37,000 and and, Franks. Right? Yeah. And, anyway, I can smell the rat because of the bazooka operator. That is. Sure. And he was passed it on to all his buddies. Well, Yeah, yeah, yeah. So here's the overcoat. Here's your overcoat. You know, the law and the others. And here's the book. There is a Jerry put the money in the. Pocket inside you, in business. You're. That would be a pocket. Delivered. Oh, that's what it was. Did you leave any money in there? No. Too. Yeah. So, here's a here's the airborne, the story. So that's actually going to be up in the display here too. So that was, when I started out, it was in 70. Five, 17. And then he went into the 80s. But yeah. So anyway, that's all I'm going to be part of the display. So, you know, so that so then, So then what happens is, you so you kept the 3000 francs and, and then the officers made you give up the rest. Yeah, well, we had to give the officers, took it out and searched our birds and everything, and. But they did everything until a And your expense run. Well, they couldn't look up. Really? There? Couldn't they? Can't dance. Me. I tried to remember his name, but he. He was giving You know? Yeah, yeah. Play craps and Broadway, all that stuff. Yeah. And. Well, so then, now you have this. This is a, like a the Well it was on the battlefield like the Germans with. We went into this town. So spill and run the Germans out of there. And that Because they had the metal flute. Yeah. Yeah. So one minute they're shooting at you and then the next minute you're grabbing the belt as they're retreating. Yeah. So and also there's your D ring. That's a reserve ring that you saved. That's from the combat drop in that. Right. Double. So that's a that's pretty amazing. I mean you just basically you just go, hey, I might as well just save this, you know, For sure, you know, a little, Stuff. It looked off and there is the, And so there, you know, as, as we go through this thing, there is, so you, you, you went through the bulge and, your, your support From. North Dakota. Right. And, and so at some point or other, one of the guys in the one Ada, came across of a motorcycle, which And so they decided to trade it with you guys for some jumpsuits, right. For some job and. Yeah. So, so what happened then? You guys made the arrangement and then what happened? Well, I was in supply then, and there was some extra junk, but it wasn't accounted. For. Because we had, pretty strict about accounting for everything. Yeah. Oh, yeah. So, we traded them for the for a motorcycle, and, I got the motorcycle. And, so I was running the room that night. I went to this party. It was all friends. Went to a dance. But this one girl wanted to stay longer. I said, well, I'll take it all on the And the the amid it was trying to get away from the MPs. You know what to make a turn and the motorcycle it down a little a And the horse of my lieutenant had come in the next morning and and bail me out, which he did. And after that he called the The other night so they couldn't get food. They couldn't get some rest, you know? Didn't take long to give up, so. But but. But. After you, after they arrest you. That's the last you saw the motorcycle and the French girlfriend, Well. Yeah. So when you went to trade with these guys. For the 188. You know, the one guy that fixed up the motorcycle, he was a big guy, and he had big feet, so he, Well, he didn't get anything No, or didn't get it was Herman, which ended up with. So. So then what happens is, you know, you go in the, in the Germany and all that stuff and just to tie this together here a little And so what happened was, your, I'm just trying to get this straight here. Your, your wife's older. Says older sister's boy was having Sister, you know, sister. Ended up in a kind of a not an orphanage, but, A home in Lewiston for for the type of. For the for kids who were. In trouble or the other. And so what you did was you went down to Lewiston and and got Richard and his sisters, and took them into your house. Right. And one night, he, he and his buddies, I think it was a bachelor party or something. They went into, a bar in, in, Redwood City. And, long story short, they fell in love, got married. Right. And, and her name was Karen Jacobson, and, and she was originally Watson was born in Bismarck. Anyway, so we're in there. Yeah. And so what happens is, her and her father never talked about the war at all until they've been married for. She's 20 something And, and as he's telling the story of Richard just sitting there. Wait a minute here, my uncle told me a story just like that. And, And he said, what? What did this guy look like? And he he, he told him and he said, hey, you just described my Uncle Darryl. Yeah. And, Anyway, it's an amazing set of circumstances where, it actually. So, the long story short is, is that after Herman's, wife passed Yeah, I had the reunion at my place. My right and the Herman Cain. Yes. To go to go. We could. Anyway, the blanket, the the So I, I asked, who's this? And hung. Up at the. House place that. Well, yeah. So I went, Karen was over here. I asked her, and here is a picture of, of Herman and his daughter He, Herman, you know, he had two bigger feet and none of the boots had fit. So, I said, did he get anything? And and she said, So it's, it's pretty interesting. And this is a picture of Herman, in the, when he was fixing up the old motorcycle there in World Of. Delmar. And about the time that he had the French girlfriend on the back of the motorcycle. So. And, there's just a number of things here. And the display here's, here's, General Swift. Did you ever meet General Swift? No. Had they had never. Of course, there's a lot of that. Guys are pretty busy, not too concerned about getting medals. And, but he Well, then. And I just collected them. Some of them are officers bayonets, and some of them were, the soldiers. Now, did you, Yeah. What happened, though, after the after the collapse of Germany, the 82nd got, the occupation of Berlin. Right. And so, so you, you were, The the the commander said that there was a problem with the gal doing laundry and needed some Okay. I, they put me in supply, and, the officer came in, Lieutenant came in and said, what's a pile of dirty clothes doing their Because at that time, I was a supply sergeant back and supply sergeant. And, So anyway, what, this is we'll get a couple of cleaning They didn't leave and dance. And so as soon as they could, he was gone. And we were there in Berlin, the army occupation was So, Laws were, Well, so the gal was, So you needed you needed help to get the, you know, table for the. Laundry to get the lovely. So, anyway, I put in this advertising sign on the dance of door for a couple of girls with two came to He says, how come the jeeps always all the girls? And I says, well, the Berliner left all and the bringing the whole in the gasoline, And I told him these is the other minute. He says, oh, that's 35 mo. You mean them girls are taking them closer to five miles and And, Yeah, but he he'd been killed at the Russian front. Yeah, he was killed on the Russian probe. Yeah. For that, they had a five year old son that, So you, And then you you, So. So basically, she became your your girlfriend, right? She did. And, I want to take her home. But Luther said he couldn't do it because I couldn't do it. So anyway, why, she wrote my He says there's no way he's a send for when you get home. Well I got home. My mother wrote, we wrote letters back and forth So you Yeah. But she. Yeah. After the, after the Russians, took Berlin, they, they were hell on the. On the women and. Oh yeah, they they oh I forgot about that. They, they grabbed all the women they could get their hands on and raped the laws And, of course, while they were there, they didn't. They treated the German women and children terrible. And she was raped. And the no food. They were starving. Now. And the the the your girlfriend had been raped by the Rohingya. She had been raped that one night. She was raped 6 or 7 times the night. Yeah. It was, it was brutal. Oh yeah. And, and but you wanted to marry her and But when you, you told your mother, she said she's not going to have a German for a while. She didn't really care too much for it. But I didn't know that I was, I was half German because she got pregnant. But there's burger, Yeah. So so, what happened was, you're there. You, when you got in your 50s, when it when your mother died. You know. And, and then after your mother died, she was adamantly opposed to having a German daughter off. And so that kind of fizzled. You know, there was murdered. Yeah. And your mother had gone down there to pick. Apples, you know. When? During the depression and, anyway, during that period, there you were. The result. Yeah. But you didn't find out until you're in their 50s, and, and that probably had something to do with, why she didn't want to have Right. This year. Was. He killed her and murdered another girl. Yeah. So, that was that was a big event in her life, you know, but. And, so your your your stepfather, I guess, who you thought And my mother's, my dad's sister. Let the news out of the bag. Me know who my father was. Yeah. She thought that I should know. Yeah, yeah. Well, if, if things had worked out you, you could have married the German. The German gal who was pretty probably. You know. I played piano and stuff, and, and then you could have just gone to work for your cousins over there on the commercial. Yeah. Furniture company. Yeah. Yeah. You'd be a very wealthy guy in Germany right now. Things had worked out differently. That's all they made was it was high priced office furniture. And they're still in business? Yeah, I think so. Yeah, yeah, we've looked it up on the internet. It's. Oh, there's still no. Yeah, yeah. The left only. Oh it's right outside of Berlin. Well yeah. It's they gave us a name and we looked it up and know they got a regular. Well, we don't, you know, you could do that. Yeah. So any rates for that? You. So, you know, you got back and, and, so then you ended up, not moving back to Saint Mary's and, What. What do you remember most about, save the barrel bulge? What, what do you remember being cold and and, Well, I let's see. The war was over. I think two, and, I saw it. I still stayed in the service. So they put for the lady second. You got, the occupation of our sector of American sector of Berlin, right? And I just happened to to get into supply little. Give What kind of trouble they got into? He got into trouble and had to go to hospital when, So they give me the job. Well, that's load That's pretty good duty because that kind of explains how are. You able to get this balance back and all this. Stuff. Yeah. All this stuff I got a. Of like So, so when you were in the bold, so when you were fighting the Germans and, that was just real. Cold, hard duty. Wasn't it? Right. And, are there any particular instances that you, you can remember that you want to talk about that? People might want to know No, it was it was darn hard. And, they expected an awful lot out of us to. And I know and maneuvers. So when we've been training, He was carrying a leg and a little bit behind. And, most of the troop was ahead of us. The wind around the jeep convoy. So we And the lieutenant looked at me and recovered, and he says, we're, What the hell are you guys doing? This is you're supposed So anyways, I tell you what he says. You can stand at attention. And for the officer's quarter, or you can walk around the barracks And each one choose a bunch of time. So, but what we do is we give little vignettes so that you can kind of see what's going on, The school districts. So we get the kids so that they can understanding what we all know about an already they know a lot of them don't have a clue. Marshall, who's going to be that? And so what's happening is we're trying to, you know, reintroduce the generations to where what happened and so and again, Guys from our community. Like Norman, you know, who, we, we. They've, they've done a number of things with, pretty remarkable. Okay. So let me know when you're ready there. Yeah. As soon And you're in it. So, Yeah. Anyway, so we've had, while we're waiting here on this, we just put this up. I don't think you've seen this, yeah, I want to. What age called up and said they were cleaning out their folks house, and, and, wondered if we if we had an interest in, you know, And he said his Eighth Air Force uniform complete. And then at the end of the war, he was ripped, which means that you have And so they they made him a master sergeant. And so he saved his eighth Air Force man, you know, a uniform also. So we have And all this. Stuff that he saved. You'll see all the bombardier stuff. I've never seen any of this stuff. So are we ready? I hope so, okay. If his And she said all of her stuff, including a scrapbook with photos that she took pictures of in the operating tip with combat injuries. And so. Something that you don't normally see in. A day. I think it's a it's, it's worth, showing. So anyway. So what what the deal is, is, is, we started this museum, as I said, five years ago, And as it turned out, the one of the one of the first people that came in while Bill Marshall and he walks in and check it out and, Yeah. Well, back up to 1944 and combat knife drop in southern France and, the 82nd airborne that came in, this is happened 44? June 30th. 1st of July. Okay. So anyway, so it was several three weeks later, and at any rate, so here in Delaware, same stuff. He was fortunate for everybody. Anyway, so they they got all situated and, and then of course, the rest is history as far as they went all the way up into Berlin, So he was, you know, Al Connor Horseman. And what happened is, they made him a scout. And what was it? What was your God. And everything. Here with the Nebraska is, Polish fella. From. Chicago. And, anyway, so the two of them are out, scouting and, and they, they go over this hill and, see something and look 25 of them and just. Yeah. So, he figures what he's going to do is get an extra stripe and, you know, maybe a silver star or something. So he marches, All these, you know, and. And so it started you, and you, you know, search these guys. Know how good the lugers and. So, so anyway. He ends up, you know. They didn't. He didn't get his Silver Star on that, but then you got everybody. Unfortunately, you didn't get, you know, court marshal, which Just, you know. Clean it up. And so, Dombrowski, being from Chicago, speaks Polish, English and German. And so they're just they're all young Yes. Said, well why is that? Because, well, there's 25,000 French fries in that bill. And so and so. You know, there are, you know. Okay. He, he and Dabrowski find this bazooka guy, you know, and the three of them plan this, and they go back to the villa, you know, Open it up. Sure enough, here's all these franks so they divvy the thing up, you know, and, so, Delmar said to me, this young guy, And he in his overcoat, he cuts it, you know, and he puts it in, you know, and, and then what happens is sure enough, the guy's You give us the money. And so, is that, you know, so they go to Delmar, he goes, oh, here's the 4000 fries, you know, where's And, so, so anyway, you know, so, You know, so, so, you know, yeah, this other stuff happens, and, you know, the owner comes in one day and he says, you know, Would you like that? You know, and so there it is right there. And so if you open that up, it's got the it's got a haircut right there. You know, and anyway, It's it's not mine. It's fine. It's, Pink Panther. Anyway. So and then you can kind of see what you if you're wondering what the salons are, there was a it says as it says right there in Chip on their back. You know? So, yeah, they iterate. So. And so what happens is they go across and, and then in an interim period, you know, like After the war for for a little. Yeah. A quarter of a quarter of Berlin, which is Berlin by 75 miles across. It's a big is a big deal. So what happens is they've got, they've You know, on the, you know. The cleaning stuff and a pile. Of clothes are in supply and redundancies. What's all of them is will. You send the guys out on duty? And they they come in here to get clean clothes. To go out on duty and, Well, he says you get your cleaning. Lady. To look at the dead. So Hitler didn't love that. And so they, Which, of course. They all the women over something all the their clothes and everything. And they would that was getting so many women and A girl. Well they had a button on and women was lining up on the outside nowhere finery to come in. In a pretty ideal situation for a guy. Anyway, so what happens is this gal gets behind in the laundry and so they ask their are, you know, does she have a friend? So And they fall in love. Well, she was the widow of a German, Karl, who had been killed and, and enraged. So, gosh, they, you know, Blah, blah, blah. And she says, no way will I accept that German. Daughter in law, you know. So they're. Heartbroken. And so they'll are, you know, he, you know, he acquiesces to what his mother, you know, that was and, you know, everybody's I did tell someone about your your dad. He's not your dad. And, this is when your mom. Was, 17. She went down to the blues to pick apples, and she met a German boy. Oh, okay, here's the result. So? So. And then. And the family actually is was a second generation from Germany. And they're currently the second largest manufacturers of Oh, so I get married, the, the beautiful German. And got to work for his cousins and be a. Multi-millionaire right now. Oh, but anyway, he. But he didn't. He found this pretty girl in Saint Mary's and, married her. And then at a certain point, she had a problem. And, it Foster home. And so. And he knows, you know, he doesn't even think that's right. So he goes down there and gets the kids, and, brings us up And then the daughter goes back with mom and the. And the son stays with the local devil. And because he's got the hot rods, Yeah. And and and to this day, he's with them all. His name is Richard Cook. Yeah. And so Richard, he, you know, he raised him and They just got off shift and they're having a drink. And so, he sees this pretty brown eyed blond and long story short, he marries. And so one day, you know, Christmas or whatever age that, you know, you know, you know, where are the 188 filled artillery And so, so they make the arrangements and whatnot. And so I was going to trade this motorcycle for this guy, you know, from Before with this guy. Look, for any reason he described and he said, hey, that's my Uncle Darryl. And so when they when you. You know, when you check it out, we have a picture of the actual this type of motorcycle, it's a BMW motorcycle. And anyways. And, anyway, so they're, they're there and, and and so, so they're Karen and there there's a picture of Richard. Cook, Karen. And Herman right there on the on the wall. So Karen comes in and, you know, she says, hey, my dad left, has a scrapbook. Would Herman's, That's his whole display. And he went from Normandy up into into Germany. So this is scrapbook. The scrap scrapbook. The scrap Parachute from, From Normandy right there. And, and his uniform and, and there is some French. French. So. And so one day Dale comes in and And so here they are right here. Oh, shoot. So and then also, you know, a lot of the stuff is he saw in the video is like a save it from the dog. You know. Well the, the, the girlfriend, the French, the German girlfriend was going to take all of her late husband's bayonet and sword Of them to her. Her husband was a Nazi. They, all the propaganda stuff to the dump and will be a good, collectors. And I'll just keep it. So that's And so, you'll see that there. And, so I, I asked Karen what they, I said, boy, that's an amazing story, you know? And the dad fixes You know, he, he, you know. He had the, the the problem was, is that Dale is is a little bigger than me, but Herman was like six three, so he's like size 12 or So he didn't get anything at all. And so I said, well, that's kind of a bad deal, you know? So it's too bad your dad didn't get anything. She goes, yeah. And all they He said, oh, we still have it. Do you want it. Show up there? It is right from this. And, At any rate, let's see, there's, A central theme up here. I'm just trying to think what there's anything I missed here. And. The fact. Oh, I guess out of here. So what happened in the motorcycle? Yeah. Yeah. Deal. Well, you know, that was my question. So, Billy's answer was. Well, I was, a wall and and my French girlfriend on the back of it, You know. And and, on the cobblestones, if you ever have been France, you know what they are. But here at that, the motorcycle came Or my, And, so, you know, if he ever asks, I know about how many times you made a joke, you know, or how many jokes he made in I would say, let's go. Let's let's call it a hotel, go up. To the second floor of a hotel because they down in the front, he forgot he was on the second floor. So. But anyway. That's a, it's a it's a it's a wonderful thing having, having all these stories come in through the first part, you know, where they So, this is the continuation of the the Jacobson, you know, shot and display. And so you can check that out. And if you want to I got to tell you one little story. And I sure didn't appreciate it. We was night before Christmas. We could smell the turkeys. Cooking and, We one hour an hour, they blow us off the front. We've been on there day and night, but the Germans and, guess what? They The battle and revolt started the day before Christmas. Amen. They load this up and their summer uniform, and we didn't have any overcoats that all a hundred miles to Bastogne. And, When it was lucky for us to get by the time we got to Bastogne. And it was 20 degrees temperature and you got. Remember, it's Christmas time. And, that's what I was freezing. The guys was freezing. Think there's some are boots on? And I found a dead German during the I know. In Denver. Also found a, You know, I never asked exactly how we found these things, but basically, he ended up with a German, We have about 160 pictures of, you know, combat and, you know, mainly his buddies, you know, and, but I asked Richard one You know, he said, how is it that he only trainings and, you know, he's just a hunter. He'd like to get that elf as close and, So one thing about the German army, they didn't have noncommissioned officers. They just had the men and officers. And when Prisoners. Because they'd been. Was we'd been we jumped. In southern for us three days ahead of. That time. It was a moonlight night. And it. Was clouds cleared out and the ground and the Air Force was real good. They dropped us five miles off our drop zone. We lowered. Hell, we were. In France because we didn't have no left or nothing left, or they dropped. Anyway. Right. We got a little straight. No. So, Delmar, where did you find the film? Where did you find the film? For your camera. Where does it. Where did you find the film for the like? Oh. It. Where to find. It. Yeah. If you were to take a picture of regular. 35, 35 millimeter, you know. Yeah, that's exactly what it was, 35. But were there stores available? You know, I went and got hard up and sold it, and they were 500 bucks. I couldn't turn $500. Down on it. Yeah. And so. And so the kicker myself ever said. Yeah. Well, you know, it's interesting the question because we've got, we have another display and guy that ran a photo. Lab over at Fort Wright. And, Conrad Tremblay and his sons donated all these cans, which are very rare. You'll see it in the display. But what they did was, And, it's really it's not really, they didn't know what the history was, but there was like 42 pictures from the 75th fighter Group, Long and Tommy. McGuire and all those guys. There was, German funerals, how these things showed up. We have no idea. There was pictures You know, it's just, they're training stuff, and you hear this all over the notes, talking about the, we have a display over here, Away area here. Who never talked about the. War at all. And, and the only reason why we know the story about him is because of the, you know, VA reports that we have, but, when And he just he didn't even know how he got out, but he got out and pulled ripcord. But they're cruising at 220 in the long run. And like, we have an active jacket there. Hit him right here. And pinned him to the ground. And then, he was trying to. Yeah. Hit him in the mouth and he's not his teeth out. And, and then they, you know, but they got the the copilot was the only one able to, survive. And, so they got him over there Because you're lying. And he's just given a name, rank and serial number and, and that you wouldn't, you know, you're like, well, Army, an officer. Would never carry an Melissa. Guy. So this is so unfair. So that he's. Wrong to that we do it differently in an. American raid. So that's true. That's exactly right. You know they didn't have anything else. So anyway that's a that's one display over there. Is that blue? And white thing a parachute? Yeah, that's a parachute. But it's not a World War Two parachute. It's, Is it both Korean, but, it beats there. You know, there's And, and there's a little article about him that the front page of the complaint press and there there's, there's a picture of this. Where did you get your Purple Heart? You know, I don't have it. I said, you don't have to. He said, no. That's why. You got a. Purple purple heart on your iridium rack. You know. That's. And there's your picture, right? There's your papa. There's, And so one day I was talking. To him, and he said he, I was, he had a I think it was a French girlfriend. Gave him a can of orange juice. And he had in the back But I think he was bleeding, you know, because they gave it to so. You know, a quarter of orange juice in your abdomen, down. Your butt, down your leg, into your boot and stuff. You know. But, you know, he thought he was hit. Know when you know. When the Germans follow this devil's in baggy pants. Yeah. We chased them day and night. They like the the German army like that when they got dark, where they like to camp and reminisce Get me out of. The jailhouse already after the motorcycle. Accident. Well. Anyway, there's, there's many tales. I say one more thing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I noticed that you get the all the worst job. You did, but, you know. He didn't want anybody else to take it because he figured I could. Take care of everything. So, Yeah. So they know that. What you talking about when you, when you first went in? Because, you were longer and all these Will this be down to Fort Douglas? Because I got drafted, but I should have never went in because guess what? I after I got. Out of high school. I went four months to, aircraft mechanic to anyway. And also, I've been grateful about, to work at all of our fighter planes and Going to Russia. Well, the. Airlines. Yeah. And I was just for, you know, for the love of performance bill, over. And he always thought a lot of me but anyway and know And guess what? I got a draft of that. Well, then I went down to Fort Douglas, and, they put. Us on launchers and so forth for training. And then guys would get nosebleeds and all, you know, falling down and passing out and all of that. And I thought, Holy hell, Going to war with this bunch of guys. And so, Here's what happened. There was a. Air force, airborne. It is an airborne officer looking for. Men for the for the. Paratroopers. And they wanted men that could take it. So he anyway was in line for. But it was up. And then you guys can cut the mustard load. And, he says, you you got to have enough gas to jump out of an airplane. But they trained as well enough that you didn't have Them. Anyway, he says you got to be able to cut the mustard. You know what they done? They load this up and in, in an open daylight Time like that. Oh, love him to death. Yeah, well, today is the day we're going to Jerusalem and were taken into the airport. So the Hebrew Bible was one of the main These recruits made it back. And interesting stuff. So, you know, there's not many people that we probably talked about that story. So, any rate, what do What do you want to do? I thought I was going round and looking over. Around. This one is running around. Know I did. What I can do is I could point out, major displays. And then if you have questions or whatever. And if I was doing. Now know I don't make a call. Yes. This is such a boring life. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's that's too bad. That's a dead, boring life. That we haven't talked about is nobody is currently experiencing logging and experience and high experience and stuff like that. bit and, and tell us about what? You know what were you born and, and, you know, what were you doing before you went to World War two? But we were living in Idaho, but next to the Cortland Indian Reservation. I, we had a Cortland Indian woman that was helped. My mother practically on the Washington line. Anyway, did you go to John Logan? And so that's the reason for moving to Saint Mary's because the mother moved to Saint Mary's in 1933, you know, and your dad was doing logging, and, and, now, were you logging before the war? You were, what, road called or double. When I got to Port Douglas, where I was with a bunch of guys we couldn't run into. I was. I saw a bullet hit the road, and artillery, and then three regiments of infantry. Then, in other words, we were on fast notice early notice if you go be in the trucks and taken off or of the, nice range. But all the way we were two live paratroopers and C-47, but the Germans had bombed the Navy was in the Mediterranean.had strafed their Messerschmitt fighter planes. And then the part of the our birds flew over the top there. They not, I think 13 planes are our Yeah, well, that's that's part of it. Like on the display. Now, where did you take off from when you. That night. Do you remember, were you in the so that we can trip? Well, the army is authorized. Yeah. Before we hit the ground over land and 60 pounds. Yes, a rifle.practically all yours. But we'll talk about Herman's, additional stuff here, but I want to kind of zoom in on this on your Eisenhower jacket. You've got, uniform. And, correct me if I'm wrong, and the drop uniform is pretty darn close to what this guy from the 82nd on that poster right there. That's stuff. So, so you can imagine that. And it's a nice drop. And he's he's going into a vineyard. And, fortunately you didn't break your ankles. And, start of, it was, la la. And then below and then sometimes and we didn't have uniforms on and Christmas Day, Hitler pushed to the bulge, run clothes because we was, or it was 20 degrees. We went into the bulge with our summer uniforms on, and of course, we liked or froze to death, automatically made the switch and put them good so that my feet didn't get frozen when the half happened. The guys who got frozen feet. and I was behind the tree. And the first, first of officer, the Game Boy. I had the rifle up under his nose because I was behind the big tree.was. I was riding and he was walking to turn around, and he jumped over. Well, I made him promise I could have this, And then after I got back There was a spell. Italy. And, that's a town near the border. Anyway. What happened was we ran out of water, and it was hard to land because this farm. We could see water running into the water from the lower we go down and fill up or canteen. But we didn't know that some, money heads up, give it up to us. There was no officer with them, so they didn't have the leadership. So anyway, but we marched them into headquarters silver star for, you know, getting all these guys and you marched them into headquarters and, and you forgot the search element.them because of that give up. Who else? Yeah, but what happens? Are they throw some pistols out, we grab some of them, and, then that night, paid. So we found out Virgil's speaking German. He was a bulldog, and he could speak fluent German. So he found out where the safe, where one went out over, and we were started out in the field, and it blew the back end of the building or Wells runs for a while, and then then guess passed it on to all his buddies. Well, the officers found out about all. I hidden $3,000 of that in my. In my overcoat, inside pocket, and hung now you have this. This is a, like a the from the, like a of German machine gun. Right. That's a belt like for a MG 30 or something. How do you run the Germans out of there. And that was one of the, one of the machine guns. And I just grabbed that and saved it as a souvenir.came across of a motorcycle, which is very similar to this one that we have in the display here. And, you can kind of see that right there. That's, longer. I said, well, I'll take it all on the motorcycle because her girlfriend wanted to leave earlier for some reason or other to. But anyway, the and the motorcycle it down a little a little lip called stolen because it was ran for a run. And so this was off and then it hurt us and it just skins he did. And after that he called the is problem child. But, he gave me the deals of looking for the Germans at night because we didn't day to just to tie this together here a little bit. So, so you come back and we won't get into too many details, but basically you come back and, you're, older. Says older sister's boy was having problems, and and, and so ended up to where, he ended up Richard and, his.and took them into your house. Right. And, so you them. Yeah. Raised him and and, and Richard is, he still lives with you quite a bit, you know, went into, a bar in, in, Redwood City. And there were some nurses from Stanford in there. And, next he sees this one cutie pie, and he goes they've been married for. She's 20 something years, you know, and he finally started getting into his 70s, started talking about some interesting. is that after Herman's, wife passed away and and North Dakota, he moved here, and you guys would go to the 82nd airborne reunions. And, could. Anyway, the blanket, the the parachute boots didn't fit and we couldn't find the site. So he took that blanket and instead. Yeah.picture of, of Herman and his daughter Karen, and Richard. And there's Herman, Karen and Richard and, and Richard is, nephew by marriage. he get anything? And and she said, yeah. All he ended up with was a blanket. And so they brought it in. And here's the blanket right here. the old motorcycle there in World War two. So, and this is, from the 1/88 Field Artillery of Herman's collection that was donated. So this kind you ever meet General Swift? No. Here he is, qualifying as a as a jumper. And, and these are all the all Mars medals here. And Scott Lugard, concerned about getting medals. And, but he ended up with it. And you could also see, here's some, German propaganda and whatnot, and, and there's gal doing laundry and needed some help. And so, so why don't you explain how you met, the the other gal from.a pile of dirty clothes doing their lessons? Well, we had to issue the guy's clothes. They come in from the field and take his show and and what, this is we'll get a couple of cleaning to get your cleaning lady, get them clothes clean so we can use them. So anyway, I put up a sign at there in Berlin, the army occupation was the dead. Soldiers opened up with the was over for all of the girls. If they didn't let two come in the back a couple of girls with two came to means of blood, and. And one could speak English, and it was good. Kind of neat, because I didn't know the bringing the whole in the gasoline, you know, and five gallon cans at the airport. And that's all they offered is only one elephant. Both have taking them closer to five miles and you're all of them down there? But I said, yes, sir. So he said, well, either get some new clean ladies do it. So anyway, why, she wrote my mother for 3 or 4 months after we got home because I couldn't take her home on the go. No, the troop wrote, we wrote letters back and forth for a while. But in the meantime she didn't know when to support. And I got her a job as an interpreter their hands on and raped the laws the Russian soldiers did. And that was before because, Russia took Berlin in a hundred miles west of Berlin, because she got pregnant. But there's burger, and, they have one of the largest office furniture companies in in Germany. She. Right. She knew that daughter off. And so that kind of fizzled. And everybody was kind of heartbroken about it. And, and then your your aunt came to you and said, stepfather, I guess, who you thought was your father, raised you and got you into logging and all that. Yeah.happened to to get into supply little. Give me a chance to get into supply. And, what happened was later on, the supply sergeant over me because about that? People might want to know about it in the future that, when you guys did and what, what kind of trouble you had and, and, you maneuvers. So when we've been training, they put us on a full field back in a 30 mile life which lasted all night and half the next day. Yeah. You wind around the jeep convoy. So we jumped on the back end of the Jeep and was right on the back end of the Jeep. This is in the States. And, guys doing? This is you're supposed to be walking right with me, right? So, boy, we knew he was in trouble. So the lieutenant says, well, I gotta quarter, or you can walk around the barracks for a week carrying a machine gun a couple hours every night after show. So we can kind of see what's going on, you know, on the YouTube. And then when you come in, you get the long term. So that's kind of what know a lot of them don't have a clue. You know, a lot of them don't even know who the access was. Yeah. You know, I mean, it's just it's kind where what happened and so and again, as I said in the video, this basically is one is for is is is a GI use. And this is like I then plan museums for we had an interest in, you know, and so briefly, what the deal is, is her father was in the Eighth Air Force for 34 combat missions as a bombardier.ripped, which means that you have a reduction in force. And so what happens is they give him because he was the reserve officer, they gave are we ready? I hope so, okay. If his field, if it fails. Otherwise. He met his wife after the war and she was a nurse in the Third Army. So she the operating tip with combat injuries. And she said, you see, it says here. And so it's a soiled rag from the air with syringes. And, you know, this museum, as I said, five years ago, the first year was just restoring the building, which was out to bid to tear it out. And that took a year and he walks in and check it out and, and then things started showing up, he'd bring something in and, and, and then it started filling out, same stuff. He was fortunate for everybody. But there is his D-ring and his identification. When he landed at the American, they landed in they went all the way up into Berlin, through the bulge and all that in the process, there was a there was a few incidents of interest, to say the hill and, see something and look over and, and here's these Germans digging in, you know, they're, they're digging in by this bill. And so, silver star or something. So he marches, all right, you know, into, headquarters, you know, dramatic effect, you know, and so I here's all the brass get, you know, court marshal, which they are talking about. But anyway, so they have all these troops around, you know, they have to get And so they're just they're all young guys, you know, just shooting the ball, you know? And so the Omar's getting on cigarets and, you know, and they go back to the villa, you know, with the bazooka. Just like this guy here. And, you know, they go back and, you know, the guy misses so, Delmar said to me, this young guy, you know, he's got a check. You know, that something might have. He might just spill the beans, you what happens is sure enough, the guy's out there playing craps and, you know, talking it up. And the next thing you know, the brass take Normand was a it says as it says right there in the thing, this was, taken by the army so rapidly, the city, not as fast as it was in supply. So they man, you in an interim period, you know, like they go through the bolts, you know, if you picked up a bill from MG 30 and, and there's all the miscellaneous what happens is they've got, they've got the CEO goes to there and says, hey, the cleaning girl is, is is falling behind on,that was getting so many women and not enough guys at the that so to so they what they'd done was if two guys went in know, does she have a friend? So she she located a friend. And so he would he would go get the gal across, Berlin quite a ways. And in the and enraged. So, gosh, they, you know, young people, they fall in love and, and, so Dolores, you know, writes about his mom and says, you that was and, you know, everybody's heartbroken and this kind of thing. And so anyway, so he doesn't marry her, he marries a gal from Saint certain point, she had a problem. And, it got so bad that they took the kids away from her and put them in a in Louis van. Hello.and gets the kids, and, brings us up to this place on the wow match. You know, where he's got hot rods and he's got jeeps and he's got horses he, you know, he raised him and he goes off into the Navy and he becomes a mechanic, goes down Redwood City, California, and, he's working. blond and long story short, he marries. Okay. And so they get married and, and then. But she's from, North Dakota. Okay. So they go back and know, where are the 188 filled artillery and we're support for the 82nd airborne. And one time I found this motorcycle and I fixed it up, and, the motorcycle for this guy, you know, from the 82nd. And Richard is sitting there listening to his. Wait a minute, I've heard this's a BMW motorcycle. And anyways. Right. So then, you know, so they made the connection. So when, when and and and his name is Herman So. And so one day Dale comes in and he says, hey, there's some French. French. So I still have some of those French francs from last.collectors. And I'll just keep it. So that's why we have a little over 100 pieces of, Nazi propaganda and all of these swords and bayonets and stuff. like six three, so he's like size 12 or 13ft, you know? And so the boots that, that, Dale showed up with weighs more.anything. She goes, yeah. And all they got was a blanket. And so I, you know, after about a month, this is all this whole thing is taken about my French girlfriend on the back of it, and, it had been, it'd been raining in France, and, the MPs right behind me and,here at that, the motorcycle came out from underneath, said they skidded along the the, the cobblestones. They said, that's the last time I know, or how many jokes he made in the 80s. He'll tell you 50, 40. You. Oh, we're out of the, airplane. And one of them was out of a,the first part, you know, where they tell the story. And we haven't recorded and literally hundreds, hundreds. And I think probably even thousands check that out. And if you want to take a break, if you want to just ask question, what is this is the guy to answer the question. So we'll go And I found a dead German during the battle of the bulge that size. No, man, I tell you, I made quick change really quick. I did that little frozen basically, he ended up with a German, like a camera. And, we have a we have a, there's several of his pictures right here, but he took pictures know, and, but I asked Richard one day, I said, you know, that's that's remarkable. I made it, you know, I was actually a photo editor. And had the men and officers. And when there was no officer, the men didn't know what to do. They didn't have no guide, no body to tell what in the display. But what they did was, like any base, what they would do, the photo, they also they would cut this film up and they'd have have no idea. There was pictures of morels cutting off Japanese soldiers heads and. Yeah, I mean, there was a ton of stuff, you know, that VA reports that we have, but, when he was, he read the thing, but essentially what happened was he was, in the B 26, and, it was right towards they're cruising at 220 in the long run. So rotated his guns and didn't hit the elevator on the way out. Paralyzed himself. And he landed and, the, And then, he was trying to. Yeah. We also have the vest there. He bullet points nine, nine, 19, 11 out to defend himself. And another farmer.survive. And, so they got him over there until he was paralyzed. So the copilot is is terrible. And so when they're asking him different questions wouldn't, you know, you're like, well, what do you what do you say? The line said, well, because he had an officer carry in the German.that's a that's one display over there. So and I don't know what I can do is, we can go through this, this thing here, or we could, we can get up but, it beats there. You know, there's black, you know, so we put that in there, and there's a lot of stuff in here that are that are brought in over there there's, there's a picture of this. And I'll tell you one more little anecdote about that. He, he, he says didn't happen. But I asked him one orange juice. And he had in the back like this and, sniper got him and, it hit him right in the, in the, orange juice can and, any second, guys, dark, where they like to camp and reminisce and up about different things and forget about the war. But we we hit them day and night. When a lot of me but anyway and know I should have stayed in the Air Force because I knew more about. But, those are planes. And a lot of the then you guys can cut the mustard load. Will take in. Really? Get them up. Taken. Deliver 1 to 5 guys. What, on a report like, So I was standing load this up and in, in an open daylight truck and all is clear, but about 30 miles away and has walked back all night long and we had to get back that story. So, any rate, what do you all want to do? You want to continue on the tour? You want to take a break? You want to. woman that was helped. My mother was with children. And also I rode around with one of the Portland Indian boys, which was a grandson Saint Mary's because the mother was sick. Yeah, I was the friend was the. No. The big the a lot of other work. your Eisenhower jacket. You've got, and this is, of course, it's not authentic, but I've got a close up right here of the, the identification.82nd on that poster right there. That's that's kind of what you wore, wasn't it? Right. So you can kind of see how that poster is and and, imagine you didn't break your ankles. And, so what we've got here, obviously in the, in the display thing here is, we've got a couple saddles. Day, Hitler pushed to the bulge, run the board and to get to our supply line so they could get fuel for their days, which they only made it within of course, we liked or froze to death, or a lot of the guys froze for. And during the going through the bulge, why?canteen. But we didn't know that some, money for the German, enlisted men was, an officer and they, they started standing up.anyway, but we marched them into headquarters which they announced us with and that they koski could speak German.grab some of them, and, then that night, while we was up in the garden, right near in order, and, we was running around all of those that they he found out where the safe, where they got paid. So we went over there and, found the safe, and we got our friend, the bazooka operator.runs for a while, and then then guess what happened after that? The hit the top of it. We finally found a barn, right? can kind of see that right there. That's, it's a BMW. And, so the guy fixes the BMW up and, and, apparently lets you guys know he's in the 188, reason or other to. But anyway, the friend and up and all of and after curfew it was curfew was 10:00 and this was probably about 1030 for and then it hurt us and it just skins up a little bit. And, they have to put took away the the brake, lock me up.Germans at night because we didn't day to night, didn't let them get no rest or anything. We had to have more outfit with him the daytime.but basically you come back and, you're, you're here. I don't how natural. I think it at your place with when Richard moved in with you, you still lives with you quite a bit, you know, and, Andy. Right. So what happened is, Richard, you know, he went in the Navy, and then he, became started talking about some interesting. And he was sitting there telling Richard and the family about this one incident where he fixed up this and Richard is, nephew by marriage. Delmar. And and who, basically Delmar raised and, and when Karen came in, I said, boy, that that was kind And here's the blanket right here. It's an amazing thing that they had that. And then also at the same time, hermit had said a number of things collection that was donated. So this kind of gives a breakdown, and they were supporting, Delmar in the 82nd and, and of course, here's a, here's Mars medals here. And Scott Lugard, discovered that he, was entitled to a brown bronze star, which he had never got before.propaganda and whatnot, and, and there's some bayonets here. And so maybe you could tell us what, what that's all about.the field and take his show and and didn't have time to wash or dry their clothes. So that's the one that, you know, give them clean clothes.them. So anyway, I put up a sign at the nearest death. So. Because during it was the gym, he didn't allow the women to dance.If they didn't let two come in the back door, the two soldiers came in and all the girls were. They could keep it evening and not have any trouble.Kind of neat, because I didn't know too much German. So anyway, I. We had the Jeep and the lieutenant said, sure.offered is only one elephant. Both have a Jeep and can run it. This is where the hell you go. And those that do.either get some new clean ladies or or moving them. So I rule them in closer. But when I was married to a German colonel and, I got the little And I got her a job as an interpreter for the American government. In Berlin. A large sector. So she had she ended up getting her a good job your your aunt came to you and said, Delmar, I gotta tell you something. Your, your father is not your father. Your actual father was a 17 year the supply sergeant over me because I was just a T5. Then the supply sergeant got in the in the trouble and, what to say? kind of trouble you had and, and, you know, what it was like, because kids today don't have a clue as to what it was like.night and half the next day. Yeah. You know, a lot of them fell out. Well, anyway, what happened was we were we was on the 30 mile march the long term. So that's kind of what we're doing, and we're tying that together with, we're in communication with people that curriculum he was the reserve officer, they gave him the option of staying, staying in as enlisted or getting out. And so he stayed in.a nurse in the Third Army. So she went through the bulge in half. And Elmer might have, might have met her when she was a nurse.and, and then it started filling out, and next thing you know, it just keeps on drawing. So at any rate, I'll just I'll start going through the sequence landed at the American, they landed in a vineyard. And a lot of guys actually got hurt just landing in the vineyard. Broken legs, ankles, little kind few incidents of interest, to say the very least, one of which is, that there are and it was, you know, for Saint Mary's.they're digging in by this bill. And so, you have German, efficiency. They, basically take a break and, you know, everybody at the same time, and you know, and so I here's all the brass over there, you know, this plotting things and whatnot, and they turn around and here's. around, you know, they have to get rid of them. You know, them P.O.W. camp those. But in the meantime, they had to clean it up, you know.getting on cigarets and, you know, there's, you know, and, and so the German guys go, you know, you you should have got it three days back and, you know, the guy misses on the first one goes on, was they all day? And so, they, they basically, get him up and and get up, you have. He might just spill the beans, you know? So he takes it. It's like 7500 francs, and he takes, you know, you know, 3000 or 4000 francs out.MG 30 and, and there's all the miscellaneous stuff here, and, so they, they go into, Berlin after, after the, after the bulge and, they go into Berlin across, Berlin quite a ways. And in the interim period, she's, you know, this beautiful German gal that was, you know, refined and her.marry her, he marries a gal from Saint Mary's, but then he gets into his 50s and his mother passes away. And so, his aunt comes to him and and he's got jeeps and he's got horses and he's got all kinds of cool stuff. So the kids hang with him until she gets it together.Redwood City, California, and, he's working. And one of his buddies gets he's going to get married. So he goes to, he goes to, you know, a bachelor Dakota. Okay. So they go back and forth, Christmas and whatnot, you know, and so, and then his, his father wanted to talk about the war, motorcycle and I fixed it up, and, the brass wanted to take it away from me. And so I gave, you know, so we quickly contacted the 82nd airborne, when and and and his name is Herman J. Jameson, and he, when he, his wife passed away, he moved here to be close to his daughter and these swords and bayonets and stuff. So that's, that's why that's there. So I. And then, of course, he mentioned that flag they, they got from hundreds. And I think probably even thousands of people now have heard the story. And it's amazing how many people get back to us, you know, pictures right here, but he took pictures all the way, all the way through. And, it's actually pretty amazing stuff.was actually a photo editor. And for an amateur to take these pictures, the guys are close. Everything is boxed in just right. would cut this film up and they'd have it available for these guys because we have a bunch of photos that they developed for the, for the troops.was a ton of stuff, you know, that we had no idea what it was, so, so I could see how that would be, you know, if you were in the way these in the B 26, and, it was right towards the end of the war. They're trying to take out bridges and railroad yards in Heidelberg, and he was in Paralyzed himself. And he landed and, the, there was some German farmers that came up and a woman with a pitchfork who ran right through they're asking him different questions every now and then, they smack them, you know, and is pretty saying, well, why are you hitting us?we we hit them day and night. When he did at home, he is probably in jail because over the taking they had to. those are planes. And a lot of the other people that even in the pilot, because I worked in, anyway, like the Idaho draft board needed a Vegas see how that poster is and and, imagine Delmar coming down at, who knows how long, how fast with that? running around all of those that they were running around half the night looking for cigarets because there was no smoking. apparently lets you guys know he's in the 188, and he lets you guys know that apparently, what happened was the, the brass heard about it, and they went in the Navy, and then he, became a mechanic, and then he, he went down to Redwood City, California. time, hermit had said a number of things and, one of which is this came in and this, this little, this brown, manila envelope, this is a part of a a German colonel and, I got the little reserves, we moved them into the SS to burn off right next door to where my supply room was up. know, everybody at the same time, and they just sit in and, and, Dombrowski and and Elmer just, you know, go right in there and just general, after the bulge and, they go into Berlin and the 82nd airborne had, the duty of men, maintaining a security on the American sector. goes to, he goes to, you know, a bachelor party type thing, you know, and, and they go into this restaurant and, and lo and behold, here's a father wanted to talk about the war, you know, until they got, like, into the 60s, you know, and so, which is typical, very typical.we quickly contacted the 82nd airborne, see if we could get traded for some jump was going to jump us in the army and Primo moved to.mentioned that flag they, they got from Berlin in the movie, but and also you'll see there's pictures of, Darko, the prison camp and and and Dale many people get back to us, you know, and but the the entire museum is filled up with a lot of stories like this. yards in Heidelberg, and he was in low level to take out the bridge, you know, and they got hit by flak, took off the wing, left wing, and it manila envelope, this is a part of a parachute from D-Day that he had saved and collected.

Pappy Boyington Veterans Museum interview of delmar shaw.